With over 1.3 million acres of agricultural land to work with1, Maine farmers grow all sorts of delicious crops. From sweet wild Maine blueberries to hardy potatoes and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. And, to sweeten the deal: shopping local not only feels good, but it can be a great way to get the most out of your family’s grocery budget too.
There are a number of easy ways to save money when shopping local. Here are three ways you can get started:
1. Shop early
Many farmers’ markets open up early in the morning, and unlike a grocery store, they usually aren’t able to restock until a later time. What you see is what you get – and that can be part of the fun! One week there may be an abundance of fiddleheads, for example, and the next week there may be an abundance of berries. Want to increase the number of options available for your family to pick from? Try showing up earlier in the day when there’s less crowds. Many farmers’ markets also offer fun free events and programs for kids, such as Power of Produce (PoP) Club.
2. Shop what’s in season
Seeing a lot of the same produce at different stalls in the market? There’s a good chance that’s because it’s in season! Shopping in season when it comes to food means you’ll probably get a better deal buying now rather than waiting until it’s harder to come by later in the year. Not sure where to start? Check out this list produced by the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets of what’s in season locally here.
3. Use Maine Harvest Bucks
People who shop with SNAP/EBT can use Maine Harvest Bucks to earn bonus bucks to buy fruits and vegetables from local farmers at no extra cost. This year, the match is one to one – meaning that if you spend $10 with SNAP/EBT, you’ll receive $10 extra to spend in Maine Harvest Bucks.
In 2021, Maine Harvest Bucks led to over to over $700,000 in local food purchased by more than 6,000 Maine households using SNAP/EBT. Money spent using Maine Harvest Bucks goes directly into the hands of Maine farmers, boosting their bottom line and the local economy that these farmers support. Over 10,000+ Mainers eat and feel healthier every year as a result. Talk about a win-win situation!
Maine Harvest Bucks are available at over 50 locations, such as farmers’ markets, farm stands, and through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) models. They can be used to purchase fruits, vegetables, and food-bearing plants. Maine families may have received a postcard in the mail recently with Maine Harvest Bucks to use and information about how to redeem them locally. Learn more here and stop by your local farmers’ market information booth to get started.
Looking for healthy recipes that you can make with your fresh fruits and vegetables? Our recipe website has you covered here! You can even try searching by ingredient.